Welcome to TheLiveStudyLearn™ Abroad Association

A premier members' community platform for study abroad students worldwide, The LiveStudyLearn™ Abroad Association focuses on providing study abroad students at the university level worldwide the key resources they will need to thrive during their semester away in a supportive community.

Searching for affordable, study abroad advising for the comfort of your home? Book weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis with our Founder, Kimber Grayson. Advising areas include: Finding a Study Abroad Program, Study Abroad Applications, Study Abroad Essays, & more. All times are listed in Pacific Standard.

Join LiveStudyLearn and find your study abroad community today! Registration opens four times per year and includes content bundles, webinars, bi-weekly office hours, and much more. Note: Cohort enrollment is remain limited to ensure members get tailored attention throughout their intl' studies.